Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lets discuss it

Ok since everyone is so into Robert Pattinson...i figured i should express my opinion:) Keep Reading and don't freak out! It is not a love letter!

I think everyone agrees with me that he is HOT, right?
The thing that i don't get is this: why do people really think that he is perfect?
it probably rubbed off from the movie! Edward is "Prince Charming" that every girl ,dreams at least once in her life!
But people, realize he is not Edward!
He is just Robert Pattinson , he just had good luck and talent and got repaid for his hard work! He is just like me and you , he eats he breaths the same air, and i really doubt he is perfect!
Dont get me wrong, im not trying to dish him, but like any other human being , he has to be imperfect. Like really ugly nails( which if i guy has ,for me is a total turn off), he might look scary in the morning , his hair might look like a scarecrow! (Remember not trying to make fun), just point put that he isn't perfect.
I don't know why people tend to stop just at the TV goes much more deeper than a screen. They have a job, just that , the job they do requires them to be on TV and be famous( wanting that or not) it is just a risk they take doing what they love doing! So with that said, he is just a guy , a regular guy i am pretty sure, that makes bad jokes, that does what regular guys do!
Tell me this. If you are obsessed with the toilet thing being down ,after every time he goes to the bathroom , but he never puts it down what would you do?
Considering you were obsessed with him , and telling everyone that no matter what he would do ,you wouldnt mind it, and also keeping in mind that you are a clean freak?
What you would you do? Get over it just because he is Rob?
Doubt it!!!! So, for those who really think he is Edward in real life you ,WAKE UP!!! He is NOT Edward Cullen , He is a regular guy, and he`ll always do what guys do!


i just wanetd to take some time and thank all of those you were, are and will be my friends.
I am not crazy , but i have a few important persons in my life that are very iportant to me and i felt like i needed to thank them somehow !
Thank you for showing me what sacrifice means and that even though life is hard , you need to keep your head up high!
Ah love...gracias chicka por todo! Gracias por salvarme ! Te quiero!
Even though our friendship went thru some bad obstacles, and it will never be the same , thank you for being in my life and teaching me to live ! I will never forget you ! Nenorocitule! Loves you forever
Andreea: My best friend....
Yes you will always be my best friend even thoough neither one of use was strong enough . I will never ever forget the memories with you ,and i dont regret them either because it would mean to regret my whole life.
Dont worry time will heal everything was said and ull soon forget happened.Like you said life goes forward i cant throw away mine just because u are far ways. Like i told you i really do hope ur happy and that you wont regret anything.

Cristi! Ah mandru meu!
What can i say? THANK YOu for listening to me thru my dark periods and always having something to say and always keeping my moral up in the skies! Like i said ur my twin brother from another mother! There is no other explanation for how on the same FM frecquency we are! I am sad though that i never got a chance to really talk to you face-to-face, since we only met once and it was really quick! I hope that this friendship that we build , even only with the help of the internet will last as long as it can last a frienship! True friendship!
I like keeping my friends for ever!!And dont worry life is always like this and like we both said , someone out there is having it worse than we do!


Ok, so last night after i was done with my math class , I got home, and i watched Schindler's List. Dont know what is it about?! ITs about the Holocaust and his guy that bought Jews , put them to work in his company , and eventually saved their lives. It wasnt an easy movie to watch, but i think it was worth it.
We people, usually have sadistic ways to torture a person , and i think the Nazis are the best one to show as an example, but they overdid it. I cant get my head around it. How can a human being be so mean , so without any regrets?! Were they really all blind??!
It is good to know that there were people that were trying to save many as they could ! Trust me..if you havent seen it..Go get it and watch it! that was it on the movie reviews !
I would write more...but um i kind of got to read the books again! The Twilight one of course!!!!

Uh but first i gotta show u guys something!

Austrian sentenced to five years in jail for denying the Holocaust

by: AFP Updated: 29/Apr/2009 00:39

Honsik, 67, who was extradited from Spain in 2007, was found guilty by a court in Vienna of denying the Holocaust and the existence of the gas chambers in a number of publications between 1987 and 2003.

VIENNA (AFP)---Austrian Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik was sentenced to five years in jail late Monday, but his lawyer said he would appeal.

Honsik, 67, who was extradited from Spain in 2007, was found guilty by a court in Vienna of denying the Holocaust and the existence of the gas chambers in a number of publications between 1987 and 2003.
At the beginning of the trial a week ago, prosecutor Stefan Apostol had described Honsik as "not just some little Nazi" but "one of the leading revisionists," a "fabricator" and "dazzler," whose aim it was to "revitalise Nazism and its ideas."

Honsik, who already served four years in prison in the 1960s for denying the Holocaust, was sentenced again to one and a half years in 1992 following the publication of his book "Freispruch fuer Hitler?" (Acquittal for Hitler?).
Instead of serving his term, he fled to Spain where lived for the next 15 years, continuing to publish.
The current charges against him relate to his magazine "Halt" (Stop) and two books "Schelm und Scheusal" (Rogue and Monster) and "Der Juden Drittes Reich" (The Jews' Third Reich) published between 1987 and 2003.
"One hundred and twenty years after (Hitler's) birth, there are still people who deny Hitler's crimes. That's not just sad, it's dangerous," prosecutor Apostel said.

Honsik entered a plea of not guilty and, via his lawyer, 87-year-old Herbert Schaller, again insisted that the existence of the gas chambers was "not a fact."

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sweet Escape

Sun, the smell of the woods( believed it or not i can smell it) , wildlife and my cuppycakes besides me...
Thats how i thought this weekend will go. We went to the Grand Canyon. Alex, Coffee, Dale, Jaime and me ,and two cars:)
We left at 8:30 in the morning on Saturday and we got there at 3 in the afternoon. It took almost 7 hours to get there...just because the guys were just like 3 year-old and had to stop at every gas station on the road looking at stuff! (like i said KIDS)!
Like i said we kinda expected nice weather for some reason. There was the sun , the smell and also ALOT of wind, and like usually happens i didnt pack everything i thought i will need because " ill do without it, its just 2 days) ahahaha i was wrong. To rent a room ,for one night was 170 $( we are not that crazy), but we found out that there was a place rentng camping supplies. So there we went, the five of us being all brave ,decided that we were going to camp for the night.By the time we got the tend set up, we were freezing , of course we had a bonfire, but how longs that gonna last us?
The guys came to bed , drunk, and of course they didnt feel a thing. Me, on the other my teeth were chattering sooo bad , so i got my pretty butt up, got the Jetta keys from Alex and i went and slept in the car. Let it run for a couple of minutes and then went in my sleeping bag for the rest of the night(or so i thought)..i woke up at 4:45 freezing and with a horrible headache! Great , and my Tylenol box is on the table outside...NOT getting out of the sleeping bag, nor the car:) so i just kept looking at the many starts...millions, billions or maybe trillions...and there it goes , a falling star! Quick I have to make a wish! And since my headaches didnt pass i went on the drivers seat, turned the car on for like 30 minutes , until it got warm and cozy and i went to bed again. And i slept until 8 o`clock!!!
Even though the cold wasnt something that we expected ,i had alot of fun , because i was with people that i love!!
But humpf let me tell you time were going camping im taking all the blankets that i can find around the house!

Friday, April 24, 2009

moving forward..and were paying the price for it

We forget to even write our own names on paper? I am looking around me..everything is technology based! I have nothing against that , but we're slowly but surely becoming robots. Well get so used to have everything done for us.
Kids that are born now, wont even have to think for themselves soon. Thank God , for the guys that "invented " the Internet , but at the same time ,I ask myself ...was it even worth it ?
Kids these days, even adults dont bother to go to an old fashioned library(hey theres Google)
Ahhh..the everyday Google.Very handy , sure .but how reliable.
Iiii dont know i like technology , but with limits, i never grew up having alot of technology , i enjoyed my kid time , playing soccer in front of my uncles flat complex ehehe. We used to play hide-and-seek all day long, we never knew about the internet, less about the games.
I remember the first games i played were Mortal Kombat and Unreal Tournament( yeah i was a just like a boy) and i thought they were the coolest games ever.But i never acted on them...
Kids today , if it were possible dont even get outta the house because of the computer and the TV..the other day i saw a 10 years old with a cell phone! REally?! Come on , u gotta be kiding me!!!! LET THE KID LIVE!!!!
We all see the news on that get ahold of guns and start shooting , not being able see the difference between reality and game world . It is sad, very sad because even though technology helped us develop and find cures for many diseases the same time it takes life away.

This is soooooooo boring...i have a paper due Monday...on archaeology...Venus Figurines that were found...where they were found and what theories were developed on their usage...Im about to throw myself out the window...i cant really get words out my derriere!! a little help would be apreciatted now...but i guess no one cares bout those...
3 pages in ...3 more to go and im kinda outta ideas lol...
At leats i have music , cuz otherwise i would feel like im between 4 padded wallslol...sool ill start talking to myself !!!

Another Day

The alarm is ringing , i hit the snooze button! I get up as usually way to late ...7:30 ( i have to be at work at 8), jump outta my bed, very confused , almost blind. Ouch hit my leg because i am in hurry to pick my clothes . I get my hands on a yellow shirt, blue jeans and of course my everyday Chucks! Go to the bathroom wash my face, my teeth oh crap i am almost out of time again. Get in the car, the truck cuz Alex got the VW...dont mind the truck ,but this morning it was too loud for me. Stop at McDonald on the way because my stomach is demanding food( a new one for me since i usually have to force myself to food), and i get a McSkillet Burrito and go to work. Ha!!! I think to myself , i got here at 8:10.
My stomach is going crazy...unwrap the burrito take 2 bites...i realize it really doesnt taste good at all(good time to think about my grandmas food back in Romania), i take another bite and i throw it away. Lucky me i got my blueberry muffins and bananas .
Speaking of food! I was having a "a very stimulating" conversation with Terrence and Aaron the other day. Pinneapple Ham! I honestly thing its the grosest thing ever! Hoe can you eat sweet and salty at the same time?! Ham is made to be salty NOT SWEET people. Pinneapple Pizza? Even worst!!I just cant imagine those two flavors together at the same tine, alternating between them , ok , fine with that, but at the same time???! Yayks!
I am not against it but i think that amazed the the most about the States was the diverse food circle...its not even the diversity it is the way people choose to eat...the flavors they choose.
For example..back home my grandma used cinammon just for baking cakes...but here you have it everywhere! Snacks,cookies , gum , you get the point. Pinneapple ham, macarroni cheese or whatever you guys call it...for me that is waaaaaay to much cheddar cheese and at one point it kinda gets gross! Sweet carrots( but i have to admit those are the ones that Sienna made and they were pretty good) carrots made with brown sugar!?
I know there has to be diversity because it America but pffuuu some are weird.
I think ill stick with my romanian, chinesse and sometimes russian diet!aaaaaaaannnd speaking of russians, I cant wait to go back to Seattle! I miss the green, nature, and yes the rain to( i kinda have to after staying in the dessert for almost 2 years now). I love nature and i also love camping , even though theres a big difference between camping in the States and camping back home .... I love being surrounded by nothing besides nature and what it has to offer! ...2 more years of this hell and ill get to go back to Seattle. I know for most of those who live in Seattle , my desire to go back there might sound crazy , but i think Seattle is the only city in the states that resembles European cities! even though the traffic is always there to remind you otherwise ehehe .Or at least is resembles my town Timisoara and i am sill obssesed with it :P.
In other ideas is almost over and i cant wait to be done with that supid Archaeology class. Dont get me wrong, i love archaeology and history to death, but prehistory archaeology isnt really my thing hihi. I know that that is the beginnning of the human race and its developement, but i much rather learn about Egypt, or the Inca Empire! I think it is the most boring class ever, especially since it lasts almost 2 hours! Two hours of nothing, at least, for me!And i still cant comprehend why do i need archaelogy for a Psychology degree? OR even math for that matter...but ill leave math alone because i kinda started to like math , after years of sucking at it lol:) and my sociology class, humpf, is awesome! I love my teacher! Kinda crazy , but she has a passion for it, and you can almost feel it.Probably that is why i hate my archaelogy class...that teacher has no passion for it whatsoever, or she is so used to teaching it that she lost her passion.
I love teachers that enjoy and are passionate abut what they are doing. Of course it depends on what student you have in class. And with the students that i saw in high school over here...ah ..the only thing i can say is that if i would have done what these kids to in high school i would have gotten an ass whooping from my grandpa every single day!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Something that applies to me...u gotta love the song

Somewhere I Belong lyrics

(When this began)
I had nothing to say
And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
(I was confused)
And I let it all out to find
That I’m not the only person with these things in mind
(Inside of me)
But all the vacancy the words revealed
Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel
(Nothing to lose)
Just stuck/ hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
I wanna let go of the pain I’ve felt so long
(Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

And I’ve got nothing to say
I can’t believe I didn’t fall right down on my face
(I was confused)
Looking everywhere only to find
That it’s not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
(So what am I)
What do I have but negativity
’Cause I can’t justify the way, everyone is looking at me
(Nothing to lose)
Nothing to gain/ hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

[Repeat Chorus]

I will never know myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed
I will never be anything till I break away from me
I will break away, I'll find myself today

[Repeat Chorus]

I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
Somewhere I belong

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Long day at work...almost over though...its 4 o`clock and i have to go to the bank also .
God, this is sooo annoying...reading this book over and over again .I have never read books and i honestly cant get enought of the feelings that this book ot should i say books give away!!!!! Argh! It may sound like im obssesed , prolly i am ..but i love the books. I need to find something else to read soon ,because this is getting outta control. Cant wait for "New Moon " though hihihihih.
Ok...getting to more serious matters. As i said i dont really like being crossed . And when my feelings are being hurt or when my trust is being squished i kinda tend to get in my shell and use all my fury against that particular someone.And this time it happened to be my best friend.I used to be a trusting person, and that came right back at me so many times . Since growing up i kinda started to see that people are not always what they seem, and that maybe i should keep my eyes matter if they are your friends.
As I said, this time it happened to be her. I know i should not throw away the frienship that we had , so easily , but its better this way. This way i wont keep thinking about what i lost and the fact that i wasnt there to maybe help even though i really dont think i could have helped much. People changed , and she changed too, not as much though. She is still the same imature kid that i left home , in some views , at least and she showed it to me wen she sent me to hell last time we spoke . For me that was it. She never realized that all the questions that i was asking her were for her own good, and that i was worrying for her...and she sent me to hell...what a child..i would have given everything i had for her . Dont want it to sound like a blackmail or anything. But for me friendship is the most important and i really thought that i could not survive without having hers in my life. Surprisngly is not as hard as i thought it would a friend said.."i have lost many more before whats one more?" i learned to stuck it up and go on..and i learned that i can survive without so many things i thought i couldnt .We all have to make sacrifices some day, at some point. And besides that...friends come and go , a thing that the Marine Coprs thought me . They might be here one day, be in Hawaii the next lol (like Juls and Nathan and MY little princess, their daughter Jonviev), so theres no point in making real friends if they are going to leave after all, and no im not bipolar, nor depressed if thats what youre thinking...i just learned that life isnt always pink and that shocked me a little ehehehe!

Monday, April 20, 2009


The only thing that i can really say is that: I AM GOING HOME!!!!!!!
What more can i really say??? that im overlly excited and happy and ecstatic???
I`ve been waiting three years for this to happen!!!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dude thats so radical!

This is so boring, so very boring tananananana .Ah this is going to be a very ,veeeeery long day at work! Its Friday !!!!And even thought i dint really do much on Monday Or Wed. Fridays are a draaaaaaag . I dont really have customers so yeah i just get to sit my behind on the chair, and write blogs and research the internet! How cool is that? Not so much ! But at least i have time to study and do my homework and i also have an awesome boss. He is in Arkansas so basically I am my own boss. I open the office and i also close it (dohh) .Last night we kinda had a party because my babys gonna be 22 ...awww hes getting old lol. And him and his marines buddies were trying to get me to drink lol. Like im an idiot. First I dont really see anything attracting in puking and having headaches and besides i had to work the next day. I know i dont have boss to check up on me but i still have work ethic !
And as i said i dont really see anything fun in drinking til you cant talk or at least remeber what you did...i have a totally different definition of fun.The only reason y i hate drinking is because i got drunk once and it got pretty nasty! I hate throwing up! And as a girl i really think it is like self degrading to drink to the point that you dont have no control over your actions, and no im not religious ,even thought as hard as it may seem i do believe in God ! As the control freak that i am , getting drunk makes you lose control over everything, and i dont see that as a good thing , no matter who your drinking mates are.Only got drunk once in my life and it was enoght for me :) and i am also proud to say i have never smoked weed :0 yay me. I was a goodies girl ehehehe and i am not a child interested in trying any of it . People around me tried all the time to convince me to try it :"because its cool, any other kid will do it" neah thats not really least not in that.I have seen what addiction does to a person and i sweared ill never go thru it ever again.( not me , a person really close to me) so yeah. It was really funny thought seeing them trying so hard thinking that i may give up at one point ahahahah .

We have time

The poem below was written by Octavian Paler , a romanian writer and i translated it for those who like to stop and think from time to time to what are we really doing ...

We have time for everything.
To sleep, to run left and right ,
To regret our mistakes, and to fail again
To judge others ,and to absolve ourselves from our sins
We have time to write and read
To correct what we`wrote, and to regret it also
We have time to make plans , and to not respect them
We have time for dreams, and to go through their ashes later,
We have time for ambitions and sickness,
To blame destiny and the details
We have time to weatch the clouds, the commercials, or an accident ,
We have time to postpone questions , to postpone the answers,
We have time to kill a dream and later reinvent it ,
We have time to make friends, and to lose them,
We have time to receive lectures, and to forget them also,
We have time to receive gifts and to no tunderstand them,
We have time for everything.
But there is no time for a little love, kindness
When we want to do it, We die,
I have learned a few things in life that i want to share with you !!
I have learned that you cant force someone to love you
The only thing you can to is to be a lovable person.
The rest depends on the people around you .
I have learned that however much i care,
Others might not.
I have learned that it takes years to win trust
And that in a few seconds you might lose it!
I have learned that it doesnt matter WHAT you have in life but Who you have.
I learned that your charm will help you for about 15 minutes,
After that , you better know something,
I have learned that you dont have to compare yourself with what others can do better .
But with what you can do better.
I have learned that it doesnt matter what happens to people,
But what can I do to solve it,
I have learned that however you cut it,
Everything has two sides,
I have learned that when you have to say goodbye to someone you love, you have to be kind,
It might be the last time you see them .
I learned that you can keep going ,long after you said you cant ,
I have learned that HEROEs are those who do what needs to be done , at the right time,
No matter the consequences ,
There are people that love you ,
But dont know how to show it.
I have learned that when i am mad I have the RIGHT to be mad,
But it dont have the right to be mean,
I have learned that true friendship goes strong even when distance is involved,
The same happens with true love.
I have learnedthat, if someone doesnt love you the way you wanted,
It doesnt mean they dont love you with all their heart.
I have learner that, no matter how good is your friend
He will always hurt you from time to time,
And you will have to forgive him for that .
I have learned that it isnt always enought to be forgiven by others, SOmetimes you have to forgive yourself.
I have learned that it doesnt matter how bad you are suffering,
The world wont stop its course for your pain,
I have learned that the past and circumstances might influence your personality,
But YOU are responsable for WHAt you become.
I have learned that, if two people fight, it doesnt mean that they dont love each other,
But also if they dont fight , doesnt prove they love each other.
I have learned that sometimes you have to put the person FIRST
And not its acts.
I have learned that two people can look at the same thing
And see very different .
I have learned that no matter the consequences,
Those who are true to themselves reach higher,
I have learned that your life can be changed in a few hours,
By people that dont even know you
I have learned that when you thing you have nothing left to give,
When a friend needs you , you will find the strenght
I learned that writing , as talking
Can bring peace to you pain
I have learned that , the people you care most about ,
Are taken too quick...
I have learned that it is way to hard to realize,
Where to drw the line being courteous , not to offend people,and to sustain your own opinion.
I learned to love
So that I can be loved.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time Forgets

I was listening to Yiruma`s Piano song "Time Forgets" at work because i was obliviously always.
What an odd name for a song , isn't it? I never given to much thought to classical music , to just simple music. Simple music that now makes my insides growl.
It is so true thought ...time passes even when you would want to keep it in place and never let go . I was never able to see myself as being a responsible person ,as i said in previous blogs. I never saw time like something that might end. The hours at school seemed the most difficult to pass. I really never thought at how fast the time flies by. I always heard people around me saying that they have so many things to do , and so little time in a day . I always thought that was strange. For me time, the hours in a day seemed to be never-ending. I never thought at the fact that one day i might lose all my friends, all my memories ,the life that I always knew and never fully appreciated it.
It is been three years since I have been in the States. For most people this a rather long time and most would say that three years is a long enough period to get "with the flow".
Even after this time, I can't really admit that I am fully comfortable here. I think I will never be, but at the same time it should`t be so hard, right?
I have been battling monsters in my head . I am afraid that somehow i will forget who I am , who I was when I came to the States, and on the other hand I like it here, and honestly I am ashamed to admit that. Call me patriotic, but when we left home, me and my mom , i was a kid. I had no clue about how life worked , or that maybe at some point in time I had to become responsible and forget about being all bubbly. SO i liked Romania because it basically had no rules. That doesn't mean there here no laws, it just means that no one is really afraid of them, because its been only 19 years since the Ceausescu Regime fell and there are still communists out there and usually in countries where communism was present , money, bribes work best even after so many years. And that is just because people got so used to it.
I had the freedom that a child needs. I always had the most exciting summer vacations, and all of a sudden all of that got taken away . It was sudden because i have never imagined it happen. We knew that we were coming to the States.
How i hate now the day ,he came back home , after 20 years looking for a lost love. He being my soon step-father. I has 13 when he came, if i remember right he came 5 or 6 years ago Christmas time. Like the adolescent that i was a started throwing fits...not because ,that's what i did on a regular basis , but because i was crazy jealous...! I haven't seen my mom with a guy for a long time..since she broke up with my favorite person Wolfgang:)
Ok so it took me more than 3 years to talk to this guy over the phone and usually when i did i was like "Yes, no, maybe and i don`t know" but somehow i started caring for him, i started to see him like father figure, slowly but surely. I was kind of excited to come to the States and be with him and my mom , a happy family. We were so wrong, we were so naive, we were new to this all to crazy country and its laws and to its crazy people. What happened , is kinda a long story and I don't really want to write all off it because Ive been trying to forget it all together. But in short, me and my mom left Chicago and went to Seattle, Washington all by ourselves , without knowing if we`ll gonna get thru it or were just gonna end up going back home after all. But nope , we stayed, we were fighters !Looking back at what we went thru it surprises me that we didn't go crazy.We had no clue whatsoever about the States but we decided that we wont back down, just "Let`s give it a try". I cant say i regret the decision because that's how i met Alex, but sometimes i wonder what would have happened if we would went back home when we had the chance...
Bringing me back to my point...the only thing that i was proud was the fact that i new how to chose friends. How wrong was I?! In less than 2 years I have lost most of my friend because of ways of communication and time zone...The only one that stood by "my side" was my best friend Andreea ...until recently . Uh and she proved to me that I have no clue to chose friends. We all know that when money is involved people go crazy ! And i truly hate people that ditch you , after you tell them that you don't have the means to do it. Besides envy, money can destroy friendships that lasted a lifetime. I don't care what others say, because now i believe it. It may sound childish but i deleted her out of my messenger list. As i said people like that are dead to me. And it is the best way to get over all that happened, she goes on , i go on like we never met and period. I know that is going to be hard, but i have NO intentions of looking back in the past! I am done, it is time for me to go on and prove to myself that i can go on , and to be happy once and for all

Monday, April 13, 2009

Long time

ITs been so long since i have tried to find myself. I guess you can say i have alot of free times on my hands.
But sometimes i feel like everything that is happening is just a dream , that i am just a rag doll that gets carried thru life, without her permission . How can you find yourself?!
Humpf i dont think i ever HAD myself , but i have never in my life felt so lost. Looking back in the past , it seems that, that girl always in pink and always smileing has gone far away, sometimes i cant even tell if it was me. I am not complaining because i grew up, we all grow up at one point in time. I just grew up way to FAST! In a matter of months my whole life changed and all of a sudden i had to become responsible.
I have never seen myself all grown up. Maybe i never wanted to see myself all grown up. I alway wanted to avoid all the harships that life might throw at just by ducking behind my mothers back.
HOw can i find myself when i dont even know what i want? Where i want to go?There is no point in looking back, I already know that, knew that since i left Romania.But now realizing that all the decisions that i might make, will affect me sounds horrible. Living on your own isnt always what you thought it would be. I was never the party type , but i thought that living without my mom ,and only with my boyfriend at that time , now my honey bunches of oats husband, wasnt all that i have imagined. I thought that all would be soooo easy !Wrong! And im not saying that because of my husband, we get along really great. Greater than i had ezpected, for that matter.I am saying this just because in some ways we are still kids. We both needed to grow up faster than it probably has the case.Even so, we are still kids. Weird how he always thinks that i know things that he doesnt. I still dont regret it. It is a new road , an exciting road that most dont want to face. I will never regret making that step!!

I love you BABE!!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Another day ! How i hate waking up in the mornings!!! The good thing is that last night i took some Tylenol PMs so that ii would fall asleep faster! And this morning i didnt woke up being more tired than i was when i went to bed.eheheh. i have my alarm clock set at 6:45 but deh i snooz it until 7:20 ...i know lazy me..
ANd it is weird because i like being organized but in the morning when i wake up i cant find anything that i need for work!!!
This morning i jumped out of my bed because my husband came home from work...he is in the Marine Corps so yeah most of those who have spouses in the Corps know that schedule isnt always what they respect. So yeah he came home in a hurry because he had to change from his flight suit into his dessert camies and go back on base to do something...
Isually as i said i am very organized..and of course he isnt lol. He has no clue where his head is at either.So this morning he was freaking out cuz he couldnt find his belt or his cover. I know where everything of his is at, but i lose my head when it comes to fnding my own stuff.
I am so very bored! !!!!!! Help anyone?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Baby Names

I dont know what happened to me but i was online one day and i started looking for some baby names! And NO I am not pregnant and not planning on being for a long time.
The naes that i liked are mostly Greek , French and Slavonic of course..European anyways! Probably because of my name is Andrada- Raluca...
In history of Romania...Andrada was the first daco- woman to get married to a roman and she was also the first child of Burebista one of the first kings of Dacia...which later became Romania. So probably i got it from my mom!
ADriana-rich wealthy
Aleksey-protector of mankind
Alessa, noble ,truth
Alexia-defender of mankind
Alissa -noble truth
Damiana -tamed, domesticated
Daria- wealthy
Dasha-gift of God
Karissa-love, grace
Lissa-the honeybee
Melina- gentle
Phoebe- radiant, bright

Aristo- best
Avram - the father of many
Christos or Hristos- Christ
Damian- tame
Dimitri- Belonging to Demeter
Lucas- a man from Lucania
Stavros- crowned
Yannis- greek form og John

Latin: (note* they are not Latin names like in Spanish names)
Amanda- worthy of love
Arabella- a beutiful altar
Carissa- the most beloved one

Anthony- worthy of praise
Cassius- vain
Dominic- belonging to the Lord
Flavius- golden- haired
Florian- a flover blooming
Lucian- person of light
Marius- virile
Mark- from Marcus
Maximilian- the greatest

Elise- consacrated to GOd
Elle- she, a woman
Liana- to bind like a vine
Jonviev or Jonevievve( i think)
Sascha- the defender
Soleil- sun

Dartagnan- leader and also the name of one of the mucheteers ehehe
Mark -warlike
Raoul-French form of Ralph

Slovonic( Serbian, russian, bulgarian, macedonian, romanian)
Nadia- hope (russian)
Svetlana- light (serbian)
Aksana, Axana ( russian)
Oksana- glory to be God ( russian)
Sasha- the protector (russian)
Dragana (serbian)
Gordana (serbian)
Jadranka (serbian)
Marina (russian)
Eliksa- truthful (czech)
Ivana- God is gracious (czech)
Milena - the favoured (czech)
Basia- the foreigner ( polish)

Vadim- a powerful ruler
Bogdan- gift from god
Dragan- the dear one (serbian)
Dejan (serbian)
Slobodan - freedom
Stefan Viktor or Victor

Some Quotes...about friendship

I just killed my best friend...and my worst enemy." "What's the difference?"
-Christian Slater ("Heathers")

"When I needed you most when I needed a friend, you let me down now like I let you down then"
-Blink 182

What are friends?
Friends are people that you think are your friends
But they're really your enemies, with secret indentities
and disguises, to hide they're true colors
So just when you think you're close enough to be brothers
they wanna come back and cut your throat when you ain't lookin
-"If I Had" - Eminem

The next two quotes were sent in by Waqas Ahmad
"True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen."

"Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks"

"Men kick friendship around like a football and it doesn't seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it falls to pieces"
-Anne Lindbergh - Sent in by Sandy Macbeth

"Friendships last when each friend thinks he has a slight superiority over the other."
- Honore Debalazac

"Friends are just enimies who don't have enough guts to kill you"
-Sent in by Dayna Vastano

And yes I am hurt and i may not see things clear now, but she disappointed me and she did me wrong! I have never thought that all the stories that i was hearing around me about best friends never existing were true. I would have given my life for her....

Ion Minulescu - Acuarelă

În orasu-n care ploua de trei ori pe saptamâna
Orasenii, pe trotuare,
Merg tinându-se de mâna,
Si-n orasu-n care ploua de trei ori pe saptamâna,
De sub vechile umbrele, ce suspina
Si se-ndoaie,
Umede de-atâta ploaie,
Orasenii pe trotuare
Par papusi automate, date jos din galantare.

În orasu-n care ploua de trei ori pe saptamâna
Nu rasuna pe trotuare
Decât pasii celor care merg tinându-se de mâna,
În gând
Cadenta picaturilor de ploaie,
Ce coboara din umbrele,
Din burlane
Si din cer
Cu puterea unui ser
Datator de viata lenta,
Si absenta...

În orasu-n care ploua de trei ori pe saptamâna
Un batrân si o batrâna -
Doua jucarii stricate -
Merg tinându-se de mâna..