Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What are We doing about all of this?!

I have spend most of my day looking up videos . Mostly of violence because I have a paper due . The things I saw made me feel sick. Why dont we do anything about all of this ? Kids shooting eachother , children dying becase we are too busy not doing anything. We let the most important things slip away and we dont even notice. How is it that we care more about making money , than cherising life? Why do we think that just because a child doesnt say it , he doesnt suffer? Why do we wait until it is too late do fix things?
I watched the documentary about the shooting at the high school in Colorado. How is it possible that there wasnt anything done in the case? What kind of parent are you when you know that there is something wrong with you child but dont care enought to find out what?
Why did eveyone keep quiet until it was too late?!
I am disgusted with everything that is around me. Our justice system is goood for nothing . The only thing that they are good at is lying. People say that United States is justice. THe system is worse than any other system in Europe or around the world. At least in other systems , if you pay the lawyer or the judge good enough you can be sure you will get what you want.
People really think that there isnt any corruption here. Just because they dont talk about it doesnt mean that its not there.But as long as everyone gets what they want/need we turn out back to everything else.
It is horrifing to see that we would rather get paid off than do something nice just because. We turned into creatures that have no feelings. It makes you think sometimes, if we dont actually deserve an end of the world. At least that way all the evil in this world would be gone. There isnt enough good people out there that want to change the world. It is easier to be feared than loved.
Call me a hypocrite , a treehugger a hippie, but I do think that if we want to , if enough people want to , we can make a difference. After all, good always wins.
It is scary to see how easy it has become to hurt, to be rude, to hate , especially here in the States. It is all because WE have rights, freedoms, that allows us to be nasty human beings. I dislike prejudice, I dislike people that judge other people because of money, race, religion. Since when did we became God?What makes it alright to kill because race or religion? NOTHING.
We do it just because we can and to instill fear .Why are people so keen on hurting eachother for money, power, for supremacy? It is all this worth it in the end , when you have nothing left?
I wish I could change the world by myself. I dont want an eutopian world. I just want it to not be full of death, hate and discrimination !