Monday, January 30, 2012

Would it be right to say "Farewell Yuma" already?

With everything that it going on..I decided that if everything goes as planned I will be out of Arizona by March. It is a lot sooner than what I was planning, but I am getting anxious. I want to leave and just start building something worth while in Seattle.
The only problem with that now is , the more I think about it , the weirder I feel at the thought of leaving my good friends here. It gives me a very weird feeling.
Don't have many , but the ones I do have , well I will miss dearly.
i know I've said in previous posts that I got used to having friends come and go, but it never gets any easier. Especially when the friends I make are close to my heart. The older someone gets , the stronger the friendships they form, in my opinion. I think i will have a hard time saying goodbye this time around. Time to grow up now..and stop kidding around. Real world here I come!

Life is always full of obstacles. I have learned that it doesn't really matter how "bad " you want things to work out. If you leave it be at some point, somewhere everything fall right where it belongs. It might be childish to view it that way, but I think that everything works out at the right time and at the right place.
It is very hard to see it that way when you are suffocating and think there is nothing good at the end of the day, but somehow, things always work out. I supposed our lives are what me make of it. We sometimes complain about such insignificant things when there are people in the world that are worst off than we are, but somehow they make it through.
I am struggling with many things , trying to understand and accept things I cant change. It is hard to let go of the past and look forward to the future when you dont get closure.
I wish life would be easy. In a different world I see life as being very simple. Uncomplicated and free of the struggles and hardships some people have to go through. i wish I would have all the right words to describe what goes through my mind and what I am feeling. How it doesn't matter how bad of a day I've had, I always know that with time everything will get better. Always.

Monday, January 16, 2012

So many thoughts... I wish I would have the right words to describe what I feel right now. It felt good talking to Narcis the other night. We talked for a bit about everything and nothing I suppose. It is really nice to have a friend that understands exactly what you went through at some point. I say that because , like me, Narcis grew up with a lot of meaningful friendships. His mom, Dana was a teacher like my mom . The reason why I say it is nice to have a friend that understands is because me and him both went through similar problems when we got to the States. We never quite figured out how to be in both places at once without leaving parts of ourselves along the way, I guess.
I like talking to him , I guess it is nice to know I am not the only one that has thoughts , and likes to do things that are completely weird, by myself.
It would be so much easier to be able to express myself the way I want to. That way my brain wouldn't be such a mess all the time. There are a lot of things I dont like admitting , lots of things I would like to change. Lately I came to the realization that , in order to move on forgiveness and accepting others just the way they are is a great way to start . It is very hard for me to admit it, because I always remembered when people did me wrong and at some point I would get back. A very childish way to solve problems, isn't it? It is a process that will take along time and some , will probably see it as being weak, not having a backbone. The way I see it ? Me being at peace with myself and with others. I still have a long road ahead of me , and I know the hardest part of this whole process has yet to come and I know it will take enormous amounts of patience and "uhhhsa" moments.
I know i will have to learn how to control myself.