Saturday, November 2, 2013

As I sit here , listening to songs that remind me of childhood, I realize, yet again that I dont belong home. This is random but I love my friends. I am lucky enough that I have met people that slowly reached my heart and I know without a shadow of a doubt that will always be there no matter what . Be it by phone or in person . I havent done this in a long time and I usually dont do it , because I am not the type of person to show any affection but there are times when I feel like I need to do it. I want to thank all of my friends for being there for me, for understanding my silliness , for putting up with me and my crazy ways. Stacy ...I miss you! (and i dont miss people often) Mo..thank you for listening to me babble on and sometimes knocking some sense in to me. Jay...well Ho' I love you to death and thank you for putting up with my crazy ass are always there to listen to my crazy ideas. Thank you for that! Flavia! You are like the sister I never had. I am so lucky I met you and that you are always here to encourage me even if I come up with the craziest ideas ever! I love you and I want to thank you for everything you do for me , or with me!