Friday, September 11, 2009

I am sooo excited!

Well, since my mom is in Seattle, my immigration shit came over there and i have to go over there for an appointment:)

guess where this Butterfliy is going , when she gets to Washington?
its either Canada or Forks, which by the way is a hard decision to make!!!! I would do them both but since ill only be there a couple of days, i wont have the time to satisfy my need for my cravings , at this point.
when we move back to Washington , well, thats another story.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ok so since i took extented time off from my bloggin` I promise i will make up for it!
nothing exciting happened! I am in yuma, what can happen...oh wait something did happened! We had a huge storm the other day, or maybe a few days ago!! It was awesome.Andrea and me were at the window just watching how it rained, since she is from Oregon and I miss Washington. a bunch of freaks. Other than that , I think i just might have convinced my hubby , about the importance of Twilight in my life after " You are such a pig and you are such an insensitive person":)) Well i guess he cant be a person if he is a pig, but it works in my book.
so i think he kind of got my point , when i became histerical ,yelling at him , that everytime i want to talk about the books he becomes a jerk. So I think , he finally accepted Edward in our life. Hurray!
Other than that, not much . Just me wasting my time reading , fanfiction of course, and started writing some of my own stuff, continuing on the old things that i started writing a while back , and now started some new projects , that i dont know if they are ever going to be done.
I started so many things , and I realize, that they never got done , because they cant hold my interest for long , so i just start a new one ..
i prtomised myself that i will try and finish whatever i will start from now one , but its really hard lol:) but i need to keep my promise...and since i will keep it (hopefully) i have to go write some more...