Friday, May 29, 2009

Movie Review

Man , i wished i had never went to see this movie !! I am talking about Dance FLick! It is the worst movie that was ever made ! People in the theatre even laughted :) man , i dont know i am either way beyond my years or this movie really did suck!! It was supposed to be like "Meet the Spartans" a combination , or a parody of combined movies, and famous people..honestly people dont u have nothing better to do?!?!?!?!
And while waiting for the movie to start we kinda saw the preview for "Bruno" the same person that did "Borat" did "Bruno" too and i think the same guy plays in this one too...i cant really begin to say in how many ways that movie looks disgusting , well not even that .I was ok with "borat" somehow , still considered it stupid, but this one really looks like she was really bored or well maybe its a he, because i find it hard to believe that a woman should be able to create something so boring and black and white...maybe i am weird but these movies arent on my top 10 list :))

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ok so I am at work again:) Well at least it is Wed and im only working Mondays, Wed and Fridays so yeah :)
I just wish i could go back to being a kid..and sleep in however much i wanted!
Tssss what I am saying?! I just had an extented weekend!( I should slap myself) because i didnt do absolutley nothing, except painting hihihi thats all that i know how to do lol:))
I am in a very good mood and i am surprised because usually mornings aren`t a good thing for me :P I dont know why that was , maybe because of the discussion that i had last night with alex, or maybe because i just went to Buffalo Wild Wings:)).I have so many thoughts running thru my mind right now that it is not even funny! I started writing , but it seems that i might stop sonner that i wanted because the ideas just keep flying outta my head like birds..i can just see them taking off , it seems that evem my creative imagination is bored to stick with me anymore. I seem to have a little bit of stuggle catching it so that i can paint SOMETHING! ANYTHING!
Hmm maybe if i jump in one foot i'll catch something , i wonder...well it would probably be hard because my head is kinda empty, focusing only on certain things :) It would be awesome is i can find someone that can just blow in one of my ears ( preferably my right one) so that all my thoughts can come out thru my left ear, and since I am a leftie i might catch the ones that i dont want to let go of yet!Believe it or not i still have some pretty interesting thoughts laying in there , useful ones, even :)) and i just might share ...
Oh wow i am amazed at what comes out of my mouth ! I really must be in a very good mood today!Yay! Havent had one of those in a long time !But i cant really wait to go home for the day , though i dont really do anything here, just sit my pretty butt in the office and i wait for Marines, to come in and open Sprint Accounts with me , I do get tired of doing nothing, why do you thing i am able to write so much?! Bingoo!!
I hate doing nuthing, I am the kind of person whi need to be running all day long , so that i feel that i am doing something useful!!!! I really need a second job..i want to be a server , i use to love the job that i had in Washington:) Yeah it is true that i worked at a retirement place, but i still had a job to do :) I mistly loved my boss Halina, she was awesome, i wish everyone would have a boss like her.When it was work , it was all about work, when we had fun , we had fun! Of course she European , she Polish actually ( i need to call her, and see how she is), and yes i really do miss her:) Not so much my ex-"team"
Eh whatever:)I really need to find something useful to do, i mean something that requires something more than just sitting my butt here :))

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ah..i was talking to someone yesterday and he told me that he learned a lot from me and that he really thinks that i am strong because i am here in the States and that i am trying to build my life here. Heh.. i don't know if i am strong , i just think that its my will for surviving and showing people that i can get thru this. I was always a stubborn child. The more you told me , i wont be able to do something, the more i tried to prove you wrong.
I have pride, and that will always get me thru all the obstacles life my throw my way. Some people said o don't have" balls" and that i need to be more self confident..I always thought , when i was a kid that i am selfish because i would only think about myself. I always had to step back and think things over before i took a decision , because i never wanted to hurt the people that were around me, because i know i can be a total bitch and i can ignore others without even thinking about it. I dont want to do thought because that wouldn't be a changed me. That would not be an improved me at all. I want to grow in a beautiful and thoughtful human being. I hate the ugliness of the soul when you are selfish, the feeling of being alone even if you are surrounded by many people . Being ugly inside doesn't bring happiness at all.
And i want all the happiness i can have and that i can spread around me:)

Viata pe un Peron - Octavian Paler

Primele ideai a le lui Paler care m`au atras de la inceput..sunt doar la inceputul cartii, si sunt sigura ca nu vor fii ultimele :
Cum le`a numit el : cele 10 porunci stand pe un peron asteptand`o pe Eleonora

Prima Porunca: Sa astepti oricat
A dous porunca: Sa astepti orice
A treia porunca: Sa nu`ti amintesti, in schimb orice. Nu sunt bune decat amintirile care te ajuta sa traiesti in prezent.
A patra porunca: Sa nu numeri zilele
A cincea porunca: Sa nu uiti ca orice asteptare e provizorie, chiar daca dureaza toata viata
A sasea porunca: Repeta ca nu exista pustiu. Exista doar capacitatea noastra de a umple golul in care traim.
A saptea porunca:Nu pune in aceeasi oala si rugaciunea si pe Dumnezeu. Rugaciunea este uneori o forma de a spera a celui ce nu indrazneste sa spere singur .
A opta porunca: Daca gandul asta te ajuta , nu cauta sa recunosti ca speri neavand altceva mai bun de facut sau chiar pentru a te feri de urmarile faptului ca nu faci nimic.
A noua porunca: Binecuvanteaza ocazia de a-ti apartine in intregime. Singuratetea e o tarfa care nu te invinueste ca esti egoist.
A zecea porunca: Aminteste-ti ca paradisul a fost, aproape sigur, intr-o grota.

And i will translate these in english as soon as i will get a chance !

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sweet Memorial Day:)

Ah I am having an extended week`end since I am off today and i dont usually work on
Tuesdays :)

Semper Fidelis:) Orahhh!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Evergreen State

I really do miss it...a lot:( It is funny how slowly I started to call Seattle "Home". I miss the green , the fresh air or almost fresh air, and YES! The never ending rain!
I never thought i`ll miss the rain and the cold and the cloudy days:)) but i do.
I hate Arizona, the heat, the dessert and the sand that comes with it:)). There are places to go hiking over here too, but honestly i much rather do it in a forest where i wont die from thirst!::)

I miss the GREEN!!! I miss the smell after the rain stops, i miss the feeling of liberty and the feeling of being worry free, even for at least a couple of hours! And i deff miss not having bugs all over the house:)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My response to the article that i posted:)

Ok...i'll try to express my opinion on the matter:) Again if you disagree with me its fine:)

I have been in the States for almost 4 years now. As any other immigrant I thought America was all about California , and of course the famous Hollywood. I never actually given to much thought to all the details that come with moving and trying to make a life here. I always thought that life would be just like back home. If I would get sick I would just go to my doctor and get whatever i needed, the government always paid for everything.We didn't really needed ,like in the States, insurance plans and all of that . Now, i can tell you my thought on this , as a immigrant and i would probably be able to describe from an American's point of view.
Here is my point. You come to the states, right? To make a honest living , and do something with your life. and lets just say that the legal system here isn't the best in the world, how is it your fault that immigration doesn't know what they talking about and all of a sudden Ur illegal? You can start whistling ,i can tell you that much . I know many Americans look at Mexicans and see them as all being immigrants and illegal.Think about this, without all these "illegal Mexicans" construction companies would be empty , because now lets be honest we all want office positions and since we consider Mexicans as being "down there" they are supposed to be doing the hard , the dirty job. I know how it feels being always scared that you or Ur loved ones may get sick , and you wont be able to do anything about it. When that happens you start thinking "Why didn't I stayed home" where believe it or not the health system is a lot better then here.
Now that i do work , i cant say my ass off, but i do work and i do wake up every morning at 6:30 and i go to work, pay taxes and ,well not health insurance because we are in the military , but i still pay taxes. I don't really see it fair me going to work as millions of Americans do every single day , to pay taxes, pay health insurance for the other millions of Americans that do not work ( referring to all immigrants ) I know it sounds weird with me being an immigrant but i do work and it is not easy ,but i do make an effort:)

Ah talk about being weird:)
I went with hubby to watch Angels and Demons:) I loved it!!!! I can say that besides probably "Pirates of the Caribbean "and "Lord of the Rings" and "Schindler's List" it is one of my favorite movies of all time. The plot in the story is very good and very confusing also :)
I was wondering if something like that would happen to the Catholic would be a slap on the wrist .But the movie also shows that if the Catholic church wants too, secrets will never surface,and it all becomes what do you know?! Politics! under the pretext that they are the men of God:) Humpf..I don't Know about that..
And speaking of the subject:) I was watching last nigh the History Channel..they had a show about Nostradamus and what he predicted for 1212 , as well as the Mayas.
I don't know if God needs to be involved in our destruction ..we seem to be doing a very good job :Polluting everything that surrounds us, killing each other, just like animal the only difference between them and us is that they kill out of instinct, for survival, we kill because ?! money is often involved, and some times just pure stupidity is involved . SO I can say that we're doing a pretty good job at desctroying ourselves :)

U.S. lawmakers weigh beverage taxes in health revamp

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A tax on soft drinks and other sweetened beverages and higher taxes on alcohol are among the options U.S. lawmakers will consider to pay for expanded healthcare coverage, a Senate report said on Monday.

The beverage taxes were among the options outlined in a Senate Finance Committee report that panel members will review in a closed-door session on Wednesday.

Senators will look at a mix of taxes and cost savings to pay for a healthcare overhaul that aims to provide affordable medical coverage for all Americans, including an estimated 46 million who have no insurance.

Wednesday's session will likely be contentious as lawmakers search for politically palatable ways to finance health reform amid soaring budget deficits.

President Barack Obama wants Congress to pass the overhaul by the end of the year. He has called for a $634 billion "reserve fund" in his budget as a downpayment toward expanding coverage to the uninsured.

Many analysts believe the final cost is likely to be much higher. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, and other Democrats, argue that an overhaul of the $2.5 trillion U.S. healthcare system is needed to control soaring costs.

"Without healthcare reform, healthcare spending will reach $4.4 trillion by 2018," Baucus said in a statement accompanying the release of the possible financing options.

The committee is expected to draft healthcare legislation next month with aim of winning Senate passage by August. The House of Representatives is working on a similar timetable.

Raising taxes on sweetened beverages would provide an added benefit in helping to fight obesity, which drives up healthcare costs, the committee report said. The proposal calls for no tax on artificially sweetened drinks.

Another option would raise taxes on all types of alcohol and apply a standard rate. Taxes now are lower for beer and wine, which are based on volume, than for distilled spirits, which are based on alcohol content.

Other options include limiting some of the current federal tax subsidies for healthcare, which amounted to $194.2 billion in 2008. In particular, lawmakers are looking at limiting a tax break for employer-provided health insurance, a proposal opposed by labor unions.

Lawmakers are also looking at cost savings in the Medicare and Medicaid health programs for the elderly and poor, including requiring high-income earners to pay more for their Medicare drug coverage.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I am still here , aren't I?
There's no life to go back too,
Only memories,
Memories than, even thought we are taught last a lifetime.
Are gone with the wind , when you want to move forward,
You go back, from time to time
Liking what you see, but never looking back
Never going back...

What would happen,if
We would be all robots?
We would surely die,
No hearts
No love,
No memories,
No regrets,
Still making the same mistakes
Over and over again ,
Never moving forward
We all are getting there slowly,
Forgetting how to love and be loved
Only having time for ourselves
....we are robots already!

You , me , they , us
Does it really matter ?!


Oh man we had a busy Thursday:) .I took my math final, 82 outta 100 point just because..i kinda hurried up to get done..and i didnt really paid attention to signs:) But i still finished with an A:)) First A in my life in Math ohhhh yeah!!!
Before my math final the girls: Nona and Pam came over to tan and the boys:Alex, Aaron or Suggs lol and Coffee were building a new computer for Fisher:)) My dorky husband :)
And after the final, came home, lol i wanted to celebrate. Ate some Taco Bell and i was planning on celebrating right? Wrooooooong!
I was looking around me yeah i dranked a lil, but i was tired, hella tired from the sun. And I think it was 10 at night when these 3 guys came and they were waisted!! Like really waisted...
I know that i should be laughing at than, everybody else seemed to be laughing , but i was kinda like "GEt the hell outta my house" because i know they are not able to stop and guess who`s cleaning in the morning , because shes a clean freak? ME of course:). They were all laughing and having a good time , giggling about how drunk they are , and it seemed to me that they were even proud of it ...
I dont want to be mean but lol if that something to be proud of , than you , have a big problem . When i told Pam that I am 19 her mouth fell open. She was like "You act way mature than 19".."Thanks.. i murmured back" She is not the only one that told me that, my husband reminds me that im 19 every single does my mom, when i told her i want to take online classes and take a second job...But for some reasons they want me to be all mature even thought they tell me i should act like im my life..
Live my life how? DRinking? Being stupid? Eh thats fine im way mature for that lol=))
I , sometimes feel like im trapped in a 19 year old body ,but my mind is flying towards being 80 , weird huh?!
I have been trying to find the balance between been way to mature and being 19 ..for some reason i cant find it ,like its hiding from me :) and im in no mood for hide-and-seek!Get over here you Ahhh!!!!I'll catch up to you one day, one far away day:)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Exploring Romania

Hey u guys just try the site:) yes it does have some spelling errors but if you dont mind that you will get a chance to see what Romania is about :)

"Dear Diary"

Ah how can i explain this?! I feel empty, really empty , like something is missing , i miss myself .
I was talking to My Mandru Cristi , and he was saying that he really doubts that i would be as imature as girls back home are. High school girls. Hum, i dont know maybe.
But i think that at 19 , they just start exploring and discovering that in one way or another they own their life and that they can say "No " to mom or dad and not get spanked( rarely happens when they get spanked after 16 ,but you never know). I just need to find the balance between being 19 and being way over 19 :).
Like we were saying, a few years ago , we didnt even think about what came outta our mouths, we would just say it and then think about the consequences :) Now im surprised that i am able to first think about it and them come back :)) It is like i am having an out of the body experience sometimes, most of the time . The only thing that keeps me going is the future and the chance of me becoming a good psychologist and having my own practice, and also being a respected psychologist.
Plans that seem far away , keep me motivated right now.I know it is not going to be easy and that on my way "to fame" ill meet people that will try to get me down , but i hope ill be stronger than them and come on top:)

Ok.. so i was never a resentful person ..but lol i think the Marine Corps is starting to get on my nerves:) They pushed Alex's leave far back for July instead of June..I hate being told what to do and mostly when to do it!!But it is fine we have 2 more years left hihih.
On the other hand I talked again with the girl that used to be part of me, my life. Oh , people do change and mostly it is because of those with who they hang out with :) And yes i just said your friends are a bad influence , what you going to do? curse at me AGAIN?! hihihih dont worry i dont care :))and another thing she said...that ill regret everything i said and that probably thats what she was thinking , ill go running back to apologize:0
Honey , let me give you a reality check: I might have done that a few months ago, but guess what ?! You are part of those people that DONT PAY my bills:D
Other than that humpf..not doing very much , just taking my last final this Thursday in math ..and i am a free student , that is until the fall semester :) , just tanning from now on for me and the chickas:)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well, i know i didn't wrote that much in the last few days...i blame all my finals for it:)) and...humpf my tanning :) I am tired tonight..we kinda stayed out by the pool the whole day since i didn't had to go to school :) Promise tomorrow ill write more new stuff that happened meanwhile :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Freinet Pedagogy as i promised.

History of Freinet Pedagogy

The centenary of the birth of Célestin Freinet (1896-1966) provides a fitting occasion to remember the principal features of his pedagogy. It is also an appropriate moment to question the myths created by his followers and to resituate Freinet within the European New Education movement ("L'Education Nouvelle"). This article first appeared in French preceding a bibliography of recent publications in English, German and French and a list of international contacts.


1. Freinet Techniques 2. The Essential Concepts of Freinet Pedagogy 3. The Left Critique of Freinet Pedagogy 4. The Freinet Myth and the Influence of the New Education movement 5. Conclusion 6. Adresses and contacts 7. Bibliography

1. Freinet Techniques

Célestin Freinet was born on October 16, 1896 in Gars, a small French village close to the Italian border. Unable to finance his secondary school studies, Freinet graduated with a school-leaving certificate from a junior high school. With this certificate he could go on to qualify as an elementary school teacher but was not eligible for admission to a university.

At the age of 18, however, Freinet was conscripted into the army during the First World War. Within three years he had been seriously wounded at the front. A lengthy convalescence meant that Freinet did not start his career as a teacher until 1921 in Le Bar-sur-Loup, a little village in the coastal Alps near the Mediterranean. Freinet joined the anarcho-syndicalist teachers' union of the time, where he was an activist in the oppositional group associated with the communist party. It was probably at the urgings of his wife Elise that he became a member of the French Communist Party in 1927. His publications constitute a radical critique of the traditional public education system. Freinet's approach was not only theoretical and political but also very practical since he integrated his ideas into his daily work in the classroom.

In October 1924 Freinet introduced the technique of Learning Printing Technique. This meant that the children used a printing press to reproduce texts that they had composed freely. The pupils wrote down their own personal adventures, the incidents that they had experienced inside and outside the classroom, and so on. Usually these texts were then presented to the class, discussed, corrected and edited by the class as a whole before being finally printed by the children themselves working together. Freinet called this approach Free Writing ("Texte libre"). Later these texts would be assembled to create a Class Journal ("Livre de vie") and a School Newspaper ("Journal scolaire").

From 1926 on, the productions of his class, particularly the School Newspapers, were regularly exchanged with other elementary school classes in France, whose teachers were also involved in innovative teaching. Freinet calls this the technique of School Correspondence ("Correspondance scolaire"). Later, this correspondence would spread throughout the world. The French teachers who used Learner Printing and others who were beginning to make and use movies and sound recordings with their classes came together in 1928 and founded the Public Educators' Co-operative (Coopérative de l'Enseignement Laïc, C.E.L.), soon to be known as "Freinet Pedagogy" or the "Freinet Movement". From 1932 they edited a magazine "The Proletarian Educator" (L'Educateur Prolétarien).

Since the thirties, the Public Educators "Co-operative has produced booklets based on pupils" research projects as documents for classroom use by others, because these teachers considered traditional school-books to be old-fashioned, academic and out of touch with reality. This collection of booklets is called the Working Library (Bibliothèque de Travail) and can be added to the Class Library ("Bibliothèque de classe") along with other documents, files and books. But Freinet also encouraged children to conduct their own Field Investigations ("sortie-enquête") and research. This meant that his pupils regularly left the classroom in order to observe and to study both their natural environment and their local community. Back in the class, they presented their results, printed out texts, produced a journal and then sent all this material to their counterparts in other schools. These opportunities for child-centred learning and independent enquiry are organized according to a Work Schedule ("Plan de travail") in which the students set out their plan of work for a certain period. The Work Schedule is discussed and evaluated together with the teacher.

The Public Educators' Co-operative also initiated Self-Correcting Files ("Fichier autocorrectif") including hundreds of worksheets for such fundamental skills as grammar, spelling, math, geography, history, etc. Pupils use these files individually according to their needs and whenever they want to improve their performance. The overall co-ordination of class activities, and any problems affecting individual children or groups of children are regularly discussed and resolved in the Classroom Assembly ("Réunion coopérative", "Conseil") which consists of all the children in the class and the teacher.

Freinet's philosophy of education disturbed the local school authorities of Saint-Paul (his second school) and they tried to have Célestin Freinet moved to another school-district. Freinet refused to be transferred and left the public education system. In 1935 he founded an independent school nearby in Vence. There, Freinet applied and developed his techniques until 1940, when he was sent to an internment camp by the Vichy Government as a political agitator. Later released for compassionate reasons (his weakened state was related to his war wound), he was placed under house arrest in the Alps, where he eventually joined the resistance movement in 1943.

2. The Essential Concepts of Freinet Pedagogy

During his periods of detention at the time of the Second World War Freinet wrote his core works on pedagogy. The most important concepts are the following:

- Pedagogy of Work ("Pédagogie du travail") - meaning that pupils learned by making useful products or providing useful services.

- Co-operative Learning ("Travail coopératif") - based on co-operation in the productive process.

- Enquiry-based Learning ("Tâtonnement experimental") - trial and error method involving group work.

- The Natural Method ("Methode naturelle") - based on an inductive, global approach.

- Centres of Interest ("Complexe d'intérêt") - based on children's learning interests and curiosity.

Freinet's school reopened in 1945 and his movement underwent a revival culminating in the founding of the Cooperative Institute of the Modern School (Institut Coopératif de l'Ecole Moderne - I.C.E.M.) in 1947 whose role is to develop ideas for pedagogical resources and activities. The tasks of the Public Educators' Co-operative were then limited to the production of the actual pedagogical material such as the printing press and accessories, the Self-Correcting Files, the Working Library, etc.

3. The Left Critique of Freinet Pedagogy :

1st Wave Between 1950 and 1954, Freinet was vigorously attacked by intellectuals of the French Communist Party, who accused him of

- promoting a notion of school based on an outmoded rural ideal,

- downplaying the role of the teacher,

- stressing process rather than content,

- exaggerating the importance of children's spontaneous behaviour thereby reinforcing principles dear to bourgeois individualism.

In other words, the Communists criticized Freinet for creating illusions in teachers' minds, who are being encouraged to believe that they can change the realities of school life in a world dominated by capitalism. Closer scrutiny, however, now suggests that this conflict is better understood as a power struggle between the Freinet Movement and the Communist Party for the allegiance the unionized teachers.

In the 1960s Freinet dwelt mainly on programmed learning and the expansion of his pedagogy to the secondary school level. He died in October 1966 and was buried in the little cemetery of Gars, his birthplace.

4. The Freinet Myth and the Influence of the New Education movement

Freinet educators have subscribed to certain myths about Freinet, some of which were nourished by the accounts of his life written by Elise, his wife and lifelong partner. It is generally believed, for example that Freinet's war wound lay at the root of his efforts to radically change his teaching methods. Since he was unable to keep speaking for very long, he had to invent Co-operative Learning and Child-Centred Techniques. Some of his followers see him as a pedagogical genius who created all of his techniques out of thin air. The reality, of course is much more complex. Freinet must be seen in the context of the international New Education movement. Here, for example, are some of the pedagogical practices that were already known before Freinet :

… School printing to reproduce pupil's texts were used by several teachers in the 19th century (Dumas in Paris, 1730; Oberlin in the Vosges c. 1800 and Robin at Cempuis, c. 1900).

… Already in 1921 the Polish pedagogue Janus Korczak was using School Newspaper as an educational tool. The pedagogical concepts which Freinet referred to and which he studied thoroughly are the following (brief summary):

… The Centres of Interest arose from a critical dispute between the Belgian psychologist Ovide Decroly and the U.S. philosopher John Dewey with his Project Method.

… Freinet's Co-operative Learning techniques were partly inspired by the studies of Ovide Decroly and the Swiss psychologist Edouard Claparède.

… Enquiry-based Learning method was related to the Functional Pedagogy of Edouard Claparède and the Genetic Psychology of Jean Piaget (i.e. the construction of learning through experience).

… The Work Schedule is close to the Dalton-Plan developed by the U.S. teacher Helen Parkhust.

… Self-Correcting Files came about after an encounter with the Winnetka-method pioneered by U.S. school-inspector Carl Washburne. Indeed, the first math files of the Freinet Movement are an adaptation of Washburne's Self-Correcting math programs. Freinet's pedagogical theory is not only based on the above mentioned practical techniques, but may also be seen in a larger philosophical and political context still, in the crucible of the New Education movement.

Pedagogy of Work

Freinet's approach to Learning through Work may be contrasted with the concept of the German Georg Kerschensteiner, the Russian Pavel Petrovic Blonskij and the Swiss educator Adolphe Ferrière. Kerschensteiner wanted to educate working-class children with manual work because he believed that a more abstract approach to learning would not fulfill the socially relevant virtues of behaviour and performance. While Blonskij tried to integrate school into factories in order to enable children to deal with a modern industrial culture, Ferrière placed greater emphasis on a spiritual approach through which the child's energies should be channelled and nourished.

Freinet's concept of Learning through Work focuses on work as the process of spontaneous re-organization of life in school and society. According to him, work is the basis of every human activity, indeed of the very development of a human being. Therefore productive work is an ongoing principle of teaching and learning. While the children are developing their texts with the techniques of Learner Printing, and producing their journals, exhibitions, and so on, they are in a constant learning process. This concept also distinguishes Freinet from the proponents of creative pedagogy popular in the USA.

Co-operative Learning

Freinet's emphasis on Co-operative Learning was rooted in his own experiences as a founder of agricultural co-operatives. He was also aware of British experiments with school communities. At the same time he participated in debates about the French organization called Central Office of School Co-operatives (Office central de la Coopérative scolaire à l'Ecole), founded by B. Profit in 1923, and which still exists.

Natural Method

The Natural Method is a general learning theory based on the empirical tradition of sensational and associational psychology in the 19th century. It is also influenced by German "Gestalt-Psychologie". This method implies an intuitive and direct perception of the learning object, which activates the basic sensorial functions. Therefore, this deductive procedure allows us to integrate abstract notions. The Natural Method is applied to reading, writing, and basic math. In this context, printing is an appropriate technique for a global as well as an analytical approach to the development of language.

The conclusion is that the real genius of Freinet lies not so much in the creation of the above techniques but in the synthesis and articulation of these various approaches and procedures. Most of the well-known educators of the New Movement wrote their most influential expository works between 1900 and 1930, and the foundation of their experimental schools dates back to the period before the First World War. Freinet was a late comer to the New Education scene. He founded his own school in 1935 and wrote his core works during the Second World War. However, the scientific epistemologist Thomas Kuhn believes that newcomers like Freinet, often have the opportunity to stimulate paradigm shifts and create new theories. This may also explain why Freinet is less well-known than the major figures of the New Education Movement. He published his major works at a time when the impetus of New Education was slowing down. Spécialists of the New Education Paradigm;

Born/Died Name Ctry Main Works Important Moments in Career

1854-1832 G. KERSCHENSTEINER.i.KERSCHENSTEINER; Ger 1899-1920 Inspector: 1895

1859-1952 J. DEWEY.i.DEWEY; USA 1900-1916 University professor 1884

1859-1909 F. FERRER.i.FERRER; Spain 1900-1912 School founded: 1901

1859-1933 B. OTTO.i.OTTO; Ger 1901-1914 School founded: 1906

1860-1923 H. GAUDIG.i.GAUDIG; Ger 1904-1923 University professor: 1923

1861-1925 R. STEINER.i.STEINER; Ger 1919-1924 School founded: 1919

1868-1919 H. LIETZ.i.LIETZ; Ger 1911-1917 School founded: 1898

1870-1961 P. GEHEEB.i.GEHEEB; Ger Schools founded: 1906-1910

1870-1952 M. MONTESSORI.i.MONTESSORI; Italy 1910-1930 Children's house: 1907

1871-1932 O. DECROLY.i.DECROLY; Belg 1914-1930 Medical Institute: 1901

1873-1940 E. CLAPAREDE.i.CLAPAREDE; Switz 1909

1875-1961 G. WYNEKEN.i.WYNEKEN; Ger 1913 School founded: 1910

1879-1960 A. FERRIERE.i.FERRIERE; Switz 1920-1928

1984-1952 P. PETERSEN.i.PETERSEN; Ger 1927 University professor: 1923

1888-1939 A. S. MAKARENKO.i.MAKARENKO; USSR 1933-1935 Camp: 1920

1889-1968 C. WASHBURNE.i.WASHBURNE; USA 1926-1932 School programs: 1925-30

1896-1966 C. FREINET.i. C. FREINET; France 1946-1950 School founded: 1935

Specialists of other paradigms

1904-1990 B. F. SKINNER.i.SKINNER; USA 1938-1957

1896-1980 J. PIAGET.i.PIAGET; Switz 1947-1953

1879-1962 H. WALLON.i.WALLON; France 1934-1942

1984-1973 A. S. NEILL.i.NEILL; GB 1960-1970 School founded: 1921

A Child-Centred Pedagogy

The New Education has to be seen in the Romantic tradition of the philosophy of education. These educators recommended a return to the origins of childhood which is regarded as "innocent" and full of promise. The effort to adapt the child to modern, industrial society through school is essentially an act of corruption. Only "natural education" offers a way to resolve these problems by introducing community-based activities such as manual labour and craft work. They are considered as more healthy and formative.

Freinet's pedagogy stands in this tradition when he praises manual work and puts children's needs and desires above all. This concept stopped him from taking into account the studies on childhood which were realized in the 1920s, such as those discussed in the German review Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik (Review of Psychoanalytical Pedagogy). This apparent ignorance of new developments in educational though led to a severe crisis within the Freinet Movement during the 1960s. On two separate occasions, in 1964 and 1966, Freinet was to expel members of the Paris branch of his movement.

5 Conclusion

Nevertheless, Freinet's commitment to a radical political philosophy meant that he did not drift into the reactionary tendencies that typified many of his many of his contemporaries inside the New Education movement. From the beginning of his professional life, his main interest always was to improve the social and cultural situation of working-class children. Instead of waiting for a broader revolution he believed that changes are possible in classroom right now. Nowadays Freinet pedagogy is still a very strong, international movement covering the whole range of school levels from kindergarten to university and adult education. The numerous celebrations of the centenary of Freinet's birth bear eloquent testimony to the enduring relevance of his pedagogy in today's troubled times.

NOTE: Oh I remember waiting for each summer to come so that i can go to this Freinet camp. It was the best free time i have ever spent :) and if you think about it its a good way to keep kids out the streets. It is a really fun way to make friends and learn alot of new stuff:)
I wish i could go back in time :( Ill always miss it:)

Oh gosh !

Yes i know this will sound stupid...but we all are allowed to dream right??! I wished Stephanie Meyer would write Midnight Sun for all the books not only for Twilight ...please?????
We all want to know what was going thru his mind...and what did he feel...:) it would be awesome :)

And do not worry i am not obssesed (yet lol) but im getting there:)) Who can resist such a love story?! come on :P:P:P

Friday, May 8, 2009

Same sex families, marriages, what do you care??!

I had a project for my sociology class. I chose same sex marriages or same sex families. I dont want to offend nobody and if you dont like the topic just dont read it , its as simple as that:) if you have an opinion on it hihih more than welcome to express it !

Ok heres my thing. I have never met a gay person until a few months ago. I never had anything against them ,but i always wanted to get to know one .
And so i got my change . Ok !Sure i had like my "prerequisites" on how they should behaveor even look for that matter .
I was surprised ! I know it sounds weird ,but since i told you guys i have never had the chance to met someone that was gay , only seeing them on tv i had my mental boundaries ! They look totally normal! and they dont have a "im gay sticker" on their forehead either !
Like i said i never had anything against them, and i will never have anything against them!
We like to brag about how advance we are, and how open minded we are, and still we consider homosexuality as being degrading.
Answer me: arent drugs self-degrading? isnt prostitution self-degrading? alcohol? oh but they are considered as part of society?! as something that can or cant be stopped?!
How are gays self degrading? They are still real human beings ,that feel love just like everyone of us, they just feel it for the same sex as theirs. Remember Plato considered homosexuality as being "higher love".
Or just because God left the man and the woman , love should only be between a man and a woman. Another thing...In my opinion were so far off the "Ten amendments" that is not even funny (cheating, stealing , lieing, KILLING) so arent we a little fake about taking seriously what God said? It looks to me and everybody broke at leats one of those ten amendments. And like i said i dont want to offend no one! I do believe in God and i have faith , but my faith doesnt change they way i am as an idividual..humpf...maybe its just me:)


The result from too much Tanning?! Me itching and not being able to scratch because it kinda hurts lol...i over-baked...Doing my homework and i kinda forgot i was tanning...i got so into my math :)) So yeah today ill take a break since , im working , but i have all the weekend:) School is out, i only have mu finals, sociology, archaeology and math, and im out!!!

Sun, im carefree( for the time being because i am going to Romania), and I am tanned :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ah Yes!!!

Sun, hot , pool , def Tanning time!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

For those who love teaching and arent affraid of taking some risks:)

Ill have to reasearch it alot better . it is what we used to to every summer, like a summer camp if u like, It is jut like Step-by-step program, the obly difference is that is called Celestine Freinet!
For those who are passionate about teaching and wanting something fun for their students , this will probably sound really good.
I promise i will post about as soon as i can get more info about it:0
i cant just ravage thru my head :)

Survey says French excel at eating, sleeping

PARIS – The French are living up to their image as lovers of food and can add a new love to the mix, sleep, according to a survey released Monday. In fact, the French excel at the two leisure activities, spending more time at table and in bed than many other nations.

The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development looked at the use of leisure time among 18 of its 30 member countries.

Norwegians spend the most time at leisure, just over a quarter of their day, while at the low end, Mexicans spend just 16 percent of their time having fun.

The French still win in the sleeping and eating categories, spending on average nearly 9 hours a day in bed. For the French, leisure continues in the waking hours, with more than 2 hours a day spent eating and drinking — nearly twice as much time at the table as Americans, Canadians or Mexicans.

Americans also like their sleep, spending some 8.5 hours a day doing just that.

Despite the moderate amount of time Americans spend eating each day — about an hour and a quarter — U.S. obesity rates are the highest in the 30-member OECD with 34 percent of the American population with a Body Mass Index, or BMI, over the critical 30 mark. The lowest obesity rates are found in Korea, followed by Japan, with less than 4 percent of the population with a BMI over 30.

The Koreans followed by the Japanese clock in at the low end of the sleep spectrum, getting 7.8 hours a day with the Japanese not far behind.

The profiles on the use of leisure time were constructed by the OECD using 2006 data from the 18 member countries for which up to date surveys on use of time were available.

Television ranks high among leisure activities in Japan — where it takes up 55 percent of free time, compared to a low of 25 percent for New Zealanders.

The Turks are the most sociable population. They spend more than 35 percent of their time entertaining, compared to an OECD average of 11 percent.

This is soo freaking funny!!! I still love u Malina lol

Some helpful Info:)

Here are some sites that i find useful:)

We might not reach everyone , but those who care will do something..!

P.S...did u guys know that if you drain ,cooking oil down the kitchen sink, it pollutes the water for 14 years?!
So..grab those 2 liter bottles of coke or pepsi and drain it in there:)

The AntiChrist? The end of the world?

Ok, first of all I would like to apologize in advance , in case i offend someone , thru what i am going to write below! This is just my opinion and i just want to express it! Dont like it?! ( an adivice?! DONT READ IT!) :)

So, Nona came over last night, since Sienna was still at my place, right? After the guys went out to smoke , Nona started telling us about a show that she saw, if im not mistaken, on National Geographic about the end of the world and the AntiChrist . She was also saying that every time she goes to bed she prays, and that she is scared of what might happen, when the end of the world is near, like she said and i quote" I dont want to have kids and worry about what might happen to them", or" I would want to die before anything happens".
and i started thinking, how odd that we only pray when we feel scared ...most of us forget about God! and we only need him when we are in trouble...
I dont go to church as often as I shoul, I know, but that doesnt mean that i dont believe that someone`s watching over us.
Most of the time i try not to think about such deep subjects because they never have an answer and they always make you want more, and more.
But i hvae to admit that the shows that National Geographic and the History Channel puts out there are AWESOME!!! Its a shame that most peple flip right thru them.
Most of those shows concentrate on the AntiChrist and The End of the World.
What would you consider the End of the World? The AntiChrist? my opinion , you cant really be sure of how the world is going to end..because , yes the bible says it , but i think we are going to bring it upon ourselves faster than the bible predicted. Regarding the AntiChrist...hum most religions agree that the Pope is the AntiChrist.
Here are sone examples:

Smalcald Articles, Article four (1537)

...the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ because he will not permit Christians to be saved without his power, which, nevertheless, is nothing, and is neither ordained nor commanded by God. This is, properly speaking to exalt himself above all that is called God as Paul says, 2 Thess. 2, 4. Even the Turks or the Tartars, great enemies of Christians as they are, do not do this, but they allow whoever wishes to believe in Christ, and take bodily tribute and obedience from Christians... Therefore, just as little as we can worship the devil himself as Lord and God, we can endure his apostle, the Pope, or Antichrist, in his rule as head or lord. For to lie and to kill, and to destroy body and soul eternally, that is wherein his papal government really consists... The Pope, however, prohibits this faith, saying that to be saved a person must obey him. This we are unwilling to do, even though on this account we must die in God's name. This all proceeds from the fact that the Pope has wished to be called the supreme head of the Christian Church by divine right. Accordingly he had to make himself equal and superior to Christ, and had to cause himself to be proclaimed the head and then the lord of the Church, and finally of the whole world, and simply God on earth, until he has dared to issue commands even to the angels in heaven..

Christus, by Lucas Cranach. This woodcut of John 13:14-17 is from Passionary of the Christ and Antichrist. Cranach shows Jesus kissing Peter's foot during the footwashing. This stands in contrast to the opposing woodcut, where the Pope demands others kiss his feet.
Passional Christi und Antichristi, by the Lutheran Lucas Cranach the Elder. This woodcut of the traditional practice of kissing the Pope's toe is from Passionary of the Christ and Antichrist. The two fingers the Pope is holding up symbolizes his claim to be the Church's substitute for Christ's earthly presence.Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537)

...Now, it is manifest that the Roman pontiffs, with their adherents, defend [and practice] godless doctrines and godless services. And the marks [all the vices] of Antichrist plainly agree with the kingdom of the Pope and his adherents. For Paul, in describing Antichrist to the Thessalonians, calls him 2 Thess. 2, 3: an adversary of Christ, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God. He speaks therefore of one ruling in the Church, not of heathen kings, and he calls this one the adversary of Christ, because he will devise doctrine conflicting with the Gospel, and will assume to himself divine authority...
National Covenant of 1580

...And therefore we abhor and detest all contrary religion and doctrine; but chiefly all kind of Papistry in general and particular heads, even as they are now damned and confuted by the word of God and Kirk of Scotland. But, in special, we detest and refuse the usurped authority of that Roman Antichrist upon the scriptures of God, upon the kirk, the civil magistrate, and consciences of men; all his tyrannous laws made upon indifferent things against our Christian liberty; his erroneous doctrine...
Westminster Confession (1646)

25.6. There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ: nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalts himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God.
1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

26.4. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, in whom, by the appointment of the Father, all power for the calling, institution, order or government of the church, is invested in a supreme and sovereign manner; neither can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the church against Christ.
In 1754, John Wesley published his Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament, which is currently an official Doctrinal Standard of the United Methodist Church.[69] In his notes on Revelation chapter 13, he commented,

"The whole succession of Popes from Gregory VII. are undoubtedly antichrist. Yet this hinders not, but that the last Pope in this succession will be more eminently the antichrist, the man of sin, adding to that of his predecessors a peculiar degree of wickedness from the bottomless pit. This individual person, as Pope, is the seventh head of the beast; as the man of sin, he is the eighth, or the beast himself."

Si it is obvious that most religions consider the Pope as being the AntiChrist, since most people believe in him.
Here is my problem though, many of these religions say that there is only one God, right? and that the pope cannot absolve anyone of sins ...humpf (being the devils advocate here) so why arent all the ,priests, pastors, considered antichrists? They also use gods power, to "heal" right? They also say that God speaks to them and that they are hes whats the difference between them and the pope, besides the obivious , power that the pope has?!
In my opinion not very much! There are political reason that many of us dont really know, and if i remember right all these religions resulted from Catholicism , right? it broke off in many branches why cant we say that because it was the biggest faith back then , others tried denigrating it? Everything is possible !
Since we have the right to an opinion , there are also people that thing that Stalin, Hitler and a new ruler are considered the AntiChrists! Well there is a problem , since the Bible tells us that the Antichrist will have same some characteristics, like my friend Nark said. He will be able to make people believe and follow him no matter what , and since stalin and hitler did it thru fears , it isnt likely that they were anywhere near of being considered antichrists. But i tthink it depends on what you consider an Antichrist to be. They killed millions of innocent people.

The end of the world?
Ah that is a subject that will never ,ever end. The four horsemen: Conquest( is white) , War ( is red), Famine(is black), Death( is pale), the Battle of Armagedon, in my opinions these are events that will take years to happen.
A more iminent danger , a danger the we brought , on ourselves is closer to what seems , the end of the world. Technology!
Global warming, kids in Africa dieying of AIDS and starvation , water seems to be dissapearing , we tend to get more greedy with each day that passes, and we still want more and more, and we dont really care about others. We are naturals at destroying ourselves and were doping a hell of a job too.
It is useless if there's only one person interested in changing the world. There would be millions against it. Thats how it feels when all these people , and companies come out with anti-pollution programs, and motto's or slogans. We look at them , say "Maybe , I should do something" but there's a long shot between saying it and actually doing it.
And we all know , we are crazy about having power and more money,so i cant really see this whole "Making the world a greener place" working because millions out there DO NOT CARE!!!!
Not carying that we destroy our childrens futures, if they will have it ,anyways, not carying about anything else as long as we have it good!

We are going to be the ones that bring the end faster that it should happen.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


hum..did u guys hear about John Gosselin? Lol it seems that he is cheating oh his wife...i don't really believe it..leave the man alone..he needs some time off from the craziness that waits for him at home!!
The media , of course, was fast in accusing him of cheating!
What just because they accepted to let us in their life, gives you guys the right to twist everything around?!

Friday, May 1, 2009


The boyfriend of Baby P's mother was found guilty on Friday of the abuse of a second child, the rape of a two-year-old girl. Skip related content
Related photos / videos Floral tributes, photographs and toys are seen at the memorial to Baby P at Islington …More Enlarge photo Floral tributes, photographs and toys are seen at the memorial to Baby P at Islington …More Enlarge photo A statue representing the scales of justice is seen on the roof of the Old Bailey courts …More Enlarge photo
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Boyfriend of Baby P's mother guilty of child rape
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The girl, like 17-month-old Baby P, had been on the child protection register of Haringey Council in north London.

Baby P, whose first name can now be reported as Peter, died in August 2007 at the hands of his mother, the boyfriend and their lodger.

The toddler's death horrified the public and led to a nationwide review of child protection which recommended that overstretched children's social workers should be given extra training to address problems in the system.

Haringey Council said after the verdict it accepted that things had gone "badly wrong" with its child protection services.

"We live every day with the knowledge that more could have been done and apologise again to everyone affected," said council leader Claire Kober.

The abused girl, now aged four, gave evidence at the trial at the Old Bailey, becoming the youngest ever witness at the court, the Press Association reported.

The court was shown a 30-minute video of police interviewing her when she was three, in which she said the man had hurt her.

She was then cross-examined by defence lawyers and told them what she had said in the video was the truth.

The mother, who like her boyfriend cannot be named, was found not guilty of cruelty to the girl.

The mother and boyfriend were tried under false names to ensure a fair trial.

In November, the boyfriend and lodger Jason Owen were found guilty of causing or allowing Baby P's death. His mother had pleaded guilty to the charge.

Judge Stephen Kramer told the couple it was likely there would be "very substantial sentences" in both cases.

"There is no doubt that Peter and this young girl suffered terribly at the hands of these people," said Detective Chief Inspector Graham Grant after the verdict.

Details of the sexual abuse against the girl had emerged after police began their investigation into Baby P's death, Grant said.

"It is telling that this man denied rape and in doing so forced a very young and vulnerable child to endure a daunting criminal process at the Old Bailey," Grant added.

Baby P suffered a broken back and over 40 horrific injuries during a campaign of domestic violence despite having been seen more than 60 times by police, doctors and social workers.

A second serious case review into the toddler's death has yet to be published because of legal concerns.

But Graham Badman, chairman of Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board, said the review had concluded that the boy's death "could and should have been prevented."

"It said the actions of the protecting professions involved with Baby P were lacking in urgency, lacking in thoroughness and insufficiently challenging to the child's mother," he said.

Sharon Shoesmith, head of Haringey's children services, was sacked without compensation in December.

I also know its been two years since it happened ,but i just found out about it!!

Yelp?! it is Friday again! This sucks! I will get bored outta my mind today, but for some reason i feel like i have a hot pepper (somewhere :)) and that i have alot of energy to burn...I am a very unpatient person. I want things my way and my way only!And when i want something i want it NOW!
At least, i can listen to music, right now im listening to Era, they pretty good!Give them a chance.
Other than that , not much going on , just getting ready to go tomorrow with Laura and Nona to Zumba it up:)) Its a cardio thing..At 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday Morning:(( crazy chickas.
and after ..i told Laura ill go with her to church..kinda reluctant bout that because I am orthodox and shes baptist. Dont get this wrong, i dont have anything against it, not racist, itis just really weird , the way orthodoxs( i think) pray and how baptists do it . I dont know it`ll just be weird !
But yeah like my mom said , doesnt matter the church, still the same God!
Oh and a thought that just crossed my mind:0